Come To A Meeting!

The next meeting is scheduled

May 1 @ 6pm

Location is 130 Main Street
West Alexander



   Interested in learning more about creating a new expanded West Alexander borough? 

   We are holding frequent meetings in town so the community can come together to learn more about the project, have questions answered and give their input.  If you would like to come to a meeting they are held weekly. If you would like to meet in private to discuss any thoughts or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at


(724) 705-9076





  In 2009, the decision was made to merge our historic West Alexander Borough with Donegal Township. At the time,

our borough only consisted of the center of main and a few other streets. We had very little tax base and struggled to

maintain a balanced budget. We were promised improvements and grant money. Since, West Alexander has been stagnant. Situations arose through several different supervising boards. We lost our identity, and our history has been forgotten.

In 2021, curious as to what it would take to rebuild our community, research began to examine what a current budget would look like if we included all water or sewage customers.


  Research showed that if we reestablished West Alexander, we could sustain our community even without any additional grants, liquid fuels, or Act 13. This does not mean we wouldn't be eligible, just that we could operate without the “extras.” To be clear, we would be larger than the former borough as shown on the map included in this publication.


  Where were we then? Where are we now? Are we better or worse? You may have a ton of questions, we did too. It took a

couple years to find the probable answers and we are learning more every day.

Join us in discussing the possibility of restoring West





Click the button below to make a donation to the West Alexander Borough Project!